Life Transition Counselling
For some people change, which are inevitable, results in rolling with the punches. However for many, change is more challenging. Life’s transitions no matter what they are can significantly impact how we interact in the world; they can knock us off balance. Change is situational while transition is psychological. Our inner reorientation and redefined meaning helps incorporate the change, or may set up resistance to the change. Some transitions are voluntary, however some are involuntary. We may feel equipped for the transitions like a move, going off to school, or becoming an “empty nester”, and then discover that we were not prepared for the transition component of the change. When our life path suddenly “goes off the rails” we can be shaken to our very core. Some life transitions leave us feeling vulnerable and uncertain about our future. Many transitions begin with some kind of ending. Sometimes in those ending, we leave “unfinished business behind”. When the transition is difficult, it is important to go back and explore that unfinished business, or whatever is holding us back. Often fear, anxiety, even depression get triggered, and we may find ourselves “locked in” and not able to move forward. We can build on transitional strengths from our past that can help us move forward into our present situation and our future.