Relationship Counselling
Healthy relationships allow both unique individuals to feel supported and connected while interacting with each other interdependently. Healthy communication and healthy boundaries are two key components that contribute to healthy relationships. Dealing constructively with conflict, listening and hearing each other; these skills help strengthen the relationship. Sometimes partners do not express what they really want or feel until they find themselves in therapy. Some people come to therapy to get an issue “out on the table” and begin dealing with it with professional support. Megan is trained in John Gottman’s Relationship techniques and strategies and they are highly effective. Megan uses those tools with individual clients too for their relationships if the other does not want therapy. Unhealthy communication certainly leads to conflict and unhappiness and couples shifting from fire to ice. A mountain of unresolved conflicts, untreated resentments or trauma can create an Intimacy Disorder in the relationship resulting in no sex. The 4 Horsemen will kill a relationship if not addressed. Whether you are struggling in a relationship, wanting to learn how to be healthier in your new relationship, or ending a relationship and wanting to work on yourself, doing relationship work is a “gift you give yourself and others”. Relationship work includes communication, boundaries, transparency, honesty, trust, unconditional love and intimacy as integral components of the relationship. Abuse (perpetrated by either partner) is never acceptable in a relationship and help and safety should be sought immediately.